How keeping score costs you precious time and peace of mind

How long can you hold on to keeping score?

How long can you stay mad?

An hour, a day, or a year? A decade? Where does it get you?

Everyone has had their feelings hurt by an unsympathetic comment. An insult by a rude co-worker, a thoughtless remark by a family member or friend.

It is perfectly reasonable to be hurt by other people, but how long we hold onto these hurts can directly affect our ability to be happy.

I’m not talking about abuse or neglect here. I’m talking about the little and big things that happen to us every, single day. Someone pushing in line at the grocery store or cutting you off in traffic.

We all know stories of families who don’t talk to one another for years. To perpetuate these feuds takes emotional energy and time away from pursuing more positive relationships. If relationships are toxic, whether you’re born into them or married into them, you owe it to yourself not to let these negative situations define you.

52 ways to move towards joy after divorce

Sign-up to receive a printable action plan for embracing your life
and letting go of pain after divorce
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The only thing that we as human beings have control over is how we respond to situations.

It’s the height of summer and many of us are traveling. We’re visiting family in far flung places. We’re attending weddings, graduations, and other happy occasions. These reunions can be joyous and life affirming. They can also be minefields of old hurt, tamped down emotions, and old business that has had another year to fester.

For the last 20 years, I have been returning to my hometown with my children to visit family and friends. And revel in the temperate rain forest that is the Pacific Northwest of America.

Like all families, there are certain relatives or whole branches that no one talks to or talks about. People are not perfect and our feelings are fragile. Those who know us most intimately know where our weak spots, how to push our buttons. And they push them.

Everyone ends up keeping score from time to time

Sometimes it’s a financial situation or inequity, sometimes it’s something someone said or did years earlier. Could be a feud that has nothing to do with you.

Holding a grudge takes a lot of psychic energy. They are negativity that we carry around like a badge of honor.

Is it better to be right and unhappy? Is being right more important than having peace of mind?(Tweet it!)

We as human beings all have pain. Each one of us has been treated with insensitivity or unkindness. Some of us were bullied or abused as children or adults, loved unequally, left, cheated on, lied to, or deceived.

The slights can be real or imagined but they hurt either way. We spend too much time reviewing and rewinding and reliving these situations. And we almost enjoy being the hurt party and holding on to that resentment. We love knowing we were right. Keeping these wounds open wastes precious time. They grind us down with negativity and resentment.

So, this summer was we gather together with friends and family, each of us has a choice. Life is precious and short. Dwelling on every little thing that anyone ever did or said to you robs you of the ability to experience joy.

Now over to you: how long did you keep score after your divorce? Are you still keeping score? Are those feelings serving you?

On living alone and moving house after divorce part 2

Last week, I finally moved. I’m only about 1.2 miles due north of the last place I lived. I’m down to five boxes or six boxes left to unpack. I have had tremendous help both paid and unpaid. I am bruised and scraped and haven’t really slept well in my new place yet.

The house I raised my kids in was sold six years ago. The house I lived in after my divorce was a good place for teenagers to hang out.

But this place is mostly just for me and that feels strange.

The computer is working. The cable is working. The internet is working. And I’ve done it all myself.

Moving is hard work both mentally and physically. I like the new space. I see green out every window and my stuff seems to fit okay in this new house. But it doesn’t feel like home yet. It’s the first place I’ve lived in 20 years in which my kids’ requirements were not the first thing I considered.

Speaking of kids. My son is about 12 days post-surgery. He has a plate in his clavicle and can’t raise his arm yet. His pain level is tolerable and the baby skin that peeks out from his still-healing abrasions makes me wince inside. He is flying back to Africa tomorrow to finish the second half of his one-year contract there. I have mixed feelings about his return.

Nights are longer here. It might be the heat and humidity. It could be the noise from an unfamiliar air conditioner. The bumps and bangs and barks in the night. Not being able to find my way around in the dark. The one cat I wrangled to the new place likes to cuddle or walk on my chest at all hours. He weighs 20 pounds.

On the stress of transition

I am feeling the stress of transition and can’t remember the code to the front door of the apartment building so I walk around the back.

The neighbors are an interesting group. Young families and a lot of older folks. I have had several visits from people telling me what I should and shouldn’t be doing with the garbage, fire door, elevator. And someone keeps rolling up my welcome mat and throwing i in the corner. Change is hard.

The kitchen works except for the cooktop that an electrician needs to install. I know my new address by heart as I have been doing a little more take out than usual and that’s kind of fun. The washing machine walks on the slick tile and it’s hard to get the door open. I called the plumber too.

The few pieces of art I have will be put up this week when my daughter comes home. And I keep reminding myself that transitions take time. Change can be painful and scary. I read on Facebook this week (thanks B) that the key to happiness is low expectations. I laughed and realized the only one putting pressure on me to have everything done and perfect is me.

It takes time to make a home. And when you live alone, even longer to feel that you’ve done it right.(Tweet it!)

Now over to you: Have you moved houses since your divorce or did you stay put? How do you think that has impacted your post-divorce journey?

We make plans and God laughs

When I planned to write this blog post, I intended it to be an update on my move. A post about my graceful transition into a much smaller, newer, nicer apartment. About eventually getting motivated to finish all the packing. Organizing the changing of the cable, phone, internet, water, and electricity on my own. Except that I didn’t go anywhere.

And I didn’t execute any of those plans.

I didn’t move last week. I’m not even completely packed.

Instead, I got a phone call from my adult son in the middle of the day. He told me everything was okay and not to worry.

Generally, I am a calm person. But these are not the words a parent wants to hear. Word of advice here to the almost adult and adult children out there. Don’t start a sentence to your parent with “not to worry” or “be or stay calm.” Our worst-case scenario is based on years of parental fears and sometimes well founded, documented events.

Here is a recap…

Son: “I’m calling to let you know that I’m okay. Don’t worry.”

I took a deep breath, searched my memory for where he might be, and could not remember exactly where he was on that day.

“What happened?”

Son: “I fell … on my arm, I was on a bike. (his voice was calm but laced with pain) But I’m okay.”

“Which side?” (he’s left-handed)

“Left side.”

“Can you move your arm?”


“Can you rotate your shoulder?”


“You probably broke your collarbone. Are you on your way to a hospital?”


“Is your arm immobile?”

“Yes, well mostly, the roads aren’t too good…”

A day and a half-later, I picked him up at the airport at 4:00 AM. My daughter was with me. He is a handsome boy but he was broken. He was bent and had the sheen of travel and pain mixed up together.

By the time we got home, it was close to 5:30 AM and we had an appointment with a surgeon the following morning.

On unexpected moments of motherhood

It had been a long time since I tucked him in. I woke him at a little after nine. No one got much sleep. Except my daughter (his sister) who thought she had done her duty by driving to the airport, so we left her sleeping.

I helped him up and pulled his clothes away from his wound. He was scraped and scratched all the way down his left side. At the hospital in Nairobi, they had put long adhesive strips of plastic over the gauze. I steadied myself and peeled them off slowly so his wounds could get some air.

They were slick with blood. I didn’t react, just blew on them a little and helped him on with his shirt.

My ex-husband and I went with him to the various meetings. The orthopedic surgeon wanted the abrasions to heal for a few days before surgery.

My original move date was the 5th of July. The first open time on the operating room schedule was July 5th at 2:00 PM.

It took me a couple of hours to change the move date. Half a dozen phone calls and a couple of trips to the bank and new landlord and the old landlord. I was kind of on autopilot. I put off the move until the 11th.

The morning of the 5th arrived. I was exhausted. It was a long, stressful day and our son did his best to entertain us before he went into surgery. The nurse told me he was old enough to go without his parents. I laughed at her.

On sharing parenthood moments after divorce

After he went in, we tried to distract ourselves with phones and work and walking around. Made some small talk. But mostly we worried. Surgery is scary and my ex-husband and I have very different approaches to all things health and medical.

There was no question that we were both going to be there for him. We split the pre-op visits almost in half. After the eleven hours we spent in the hospital on the day of the surgery, I had no problem having my ex check him out the next day.

His significant other and mine didn’t come to the hospital. We never talked about it. Her presence occasionally surprises me. But this time, it was just the parents. For us, sometimes it means just the parents.

In the waiting area, we sat together watching the monitor. It was a monitor like the one in airports only instead of planes landing it had the status of patients as they went from pre-op, to operation, to post-op.

When we finally got the text from the Doctor after the surgery, we hugged each other three or four times and jumped up and down. The relief I felt was like a wave washing over me. I had to lock my knees to keep upright.

My ex-husband has evolved into a great cook. He brought sandwiches that I didn’t want but ate anyway. Later, he wouldn’t let me pay for coffee or dinner. And we laughed when we saw our son in the recovery room because he came out of surgery with only one sock.

We’re divorced, but we’ll always be bonded by the shared memory of our son as a toddler.(Tweet it!)

Running across the kitchen floor with one sock, the other grasped firmly in his sticky fist.

Over to you: when was the last time life changed your plans? I’d love to hear!

On living alone and moving house after divorce

I am moving in two weeks. I have 70 flat boxes leaning against the wall in the kitchen. I’ve only packed 10 of them. And I can’t seem to move forward.

The house I’m currently renting was sold, so the move isn’t altogether voluntary. It’s the house I moved to after my divorce. It’s not the house I raised my children in, but it is the house where I declared my independence.

It has not been an easy house to love.

It is old and worn and tends to flood in the winter. My daughter and I came home one day last January to a waterfall from the balcony on the second floor into the basement where 12 inches of water collected.

Everything in the basement was soaked, and I lost a lot of stuff. Photo albums, books, rugs, luggage. Then came the mold last summer when the basement never dried properly.

Then last November, I left to spend the weekend with my man. Someone (or a group of professionals, more likely) broke down the back door and stole all of my jewelry, my laptops, and dumped every drawer in my daughter’s room. Adding insult to injury, they made away with my brand new pillow cases to carry their loot.

There were only a few things that I couldn’t replace. My great aunt’s wedding ring, my son’s mezuzah.

I have learned a lot about loss in this house.

But in this kitchen, I have whipped up many meals at odd hours for hungry children, teenagers, and friends.

I have enjoyed watching the babies grow into school-aged children on this street. And seeing the older children learn how to drive, graduate from high school, and bring home dates. And then, not much later, coming home tired in their uniforms from the army with their huge packs on their backs full of dirty laundry.

It is a nice neighborhood. My neighbors have a Whatsapp group for warnings and good wishes and requests for sugar or a hand in a flood.

There is an amber light that shines through the trees in the park behind the house. It changes throughout the day. When the heat breaks, I can smell the honeysuckle.

I’ve adopted 4 street cats that are endlessly sweet and destructive in and out of the house all day. I can’t take them all with me and I feel guilty.

I have fed and housed many stray people too, over the years.

In this house, my door has always been open(Tweet it!)

It is time to move on to a smaller, more manageable space. My children are mostly gone now and I think that’s the hardest thing about moving. My son is off on a year-long adventure and may never live with me again. His sister pops by to shower and change clothes and raid the pantry. She picked the room with the wall to wall mirrored closet doors in the new place.

The man in my life lives in another city and neither one of us is ready or willing to uproot and move full time. He’ll help me pack, be in charge of hooking up electronics, and help with the emotional and physical heavy lifting, including relocating some of the stray cats he brought me.

So, I guess I need a little more time to adjust to the moving out and moving on. And I may pack nothing today. I will clean out another drawer and fold some laundry and move very slowly, the only pace I can handle.

There is no right way or wrong way to do this. The movers are coming on July 5th, and I will gladly accept the offers of friends to help pack. I am not going to be able to accomplish this on my own and that’s okay. I have learned how to ask for help.

Today I will sit on my couch in my living room and look out the back door through the garden to the trees beyond and watch the light. And try to imagine myself in a new space with less stuff and more peace of mind. And a new chapter.

Now over to you: what was your experience living independently after divorce? I’d love to hear!


Moving forward and the magic of tidying up

My landlords just sold the house I’ve been living in for the last six years. The first place I lived after my divorce. My moving out date is July 1st. And as I look forward with relocation looming, I started to think about getting rid of things I no longer want or need.

I’ve had many deep conversations with my coaching clients about holding on to things we don’t need and the burden it creates. Purging my life of things I don’t use happens once or twice a year. I have a friend who is a professional organizer, and she comes to fold linens and add moral support while taking bags of stuff to be recycled or donated. But this time it’s different. I am moving from 4 bedrooms with a basement to 3 bedrooms and no extra storage.

I’m a big fan of audible books. I have belonged for about a year and have 10 books on a waiting list, one being, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. I’ve read articles about the book and I’ve heard Marie Kondo speak on a morning show. I think her ideas are brilliant but her execution a bit severe. Still, I wanted to start thinking about downsizing and was open to getting inspiration from any place. Another very organized friend gave me Move your stuff: Change your life. I wasn’t ready to move stuff at the time. Now I am.

Making space

So, I bought Marie Kondo’s book, knowing in advance that I don’t live like the Japanese. Space is at a premium on the Island of Japan, so I would keep that in mind. The narrator had a lovely voice. And in the introduction, she claims and almost boasts that she has no rebounds with her clients. I was in the car listening and laughed out loud. The Konmari method is what she calls her system, a combination of her first and last name. She even organized as a five year-old. I laughed even harder.

As a teenager, she read home improvement magazines and tried almost every organizing method and system. She bought countless baskets, bins, and shelving units only to get rid of them as they didn’t work in the end. Then she talked about the spiritual aspect of decluttering and thanking each item you discard for it’s service. This also make me laugh.

I am not so attached to everything I own as to kiss it good-bye and send it on its journey. Okay, so she wants you to touch everything in your possession and decide if it gives you joy. If not, it is thanked and sent on its way. Full disclosure here, in the last two years, I have had two floods, one mold attack, and a robbery. I have less things because of all these events. Especially precious things. The losses have been substantial and many items were irrespirable.

Embrace the opportunity to learn

The best thing I got out of the book was how to fold things into little rectangles and put things vertically into drawers so that each thing can be seen and identified. And her method of starting with clothes and shoes and moving onto other things was useful. I didn’t use her method exactly, but did throw out old receipts and pictures and got my paperwork under control for the first time in years.

From the book, I also understand that Marie Kondo lives alone and empties her purse out every night. That everything in her life has a space. No children or significant other to clutter her space. No pets to messy up her perfectly ordered life. She has a bookshelf in her closet. One tiny bookshelf with all her books. I am an avid reader and I love books. I’m keeping ALL of them along with the bookcases that hold these precious volumes.

She does mention not going through other people’s stuff. My children don’t live at home full-time and sorting through their things isn’t on my list until June. They know what date the move will take place so that’s a deadline I don’t have to reinforce. Like any self-help book, this one offers great wisdom and should be sifted through like any other advice. Taking from it what works for you.

My Post-Divorce Clean Up Advice?

Let some time go by. Don’t make huge decisions while you are still raw.
Don’t chuck things that remind you of your ex. Your kids might want them someday. Box them up if you have the space and deal with them later. Wounds are too fresh
Photos can also be put away and discarded later. At least keep the frames. They were expensive!
Allow yourself to pick a time of your choosing and invite a friend to help.
Going through old love letters and pictures is a good way to remind yourself you are desirable. If you’d like to chat, reach out.

We are not our stuff. It does not define us. Except maybe shoes (Tweet it!)

Over to you: how did you ‘clean up’ after your divorce?

On Mother’s Day after divorce

All holidays are a little more challenging after divorce. Anniversaries are difficult. Mother’s Day and Father’s Day too – especially if your children are too young to manage breakfast in bed or even know the days of the week. Or put crayon to paper instead of putting it into their mouths.

Mid-May is Mother’s Day in the United States and Canada. In the UK, it was celebrated in March. It has always surprised me that Mother’s Day is but one day a year. Motherhood is by far the most difficult and rewarding of all occupations. And it’s one you commit to for 18 years without a break. As my children get older, the worries get bigger. I had no idea that once they move out of your realm of influence, it is harder not to worry, hang on, and try not to interfere. With age comes wisdom and experience. Two things they don’t really want to hear about.

This year on Mother’s Day, my adult children will be away. One in the army and one in Africa. I do not share children with the man in my life and Sunday is just another day of the week here in Israel. My ex won’t remember, as it isn’t a local holiday. If I remind him, I might get a text. But that seems forced.

I speak with my coaching clients a lot about feeling appreciated. It’s tricky. We want recognition for our work but it was asked for it, we seem desperate.

For me, my own Mother’s Days ceased to be joyous when my own Mother died. She was very into multiple cards and small silly gifts. I have a brightly colored chenille robe that she bought me on her last Mother’s Day. I spoke to a friend this morning whose own mother passed last year. And she’s dreading the day.

Take the pressure off

So this year, let’s take the pressure off. If you have your kids with you, great. If not, your ex’s mother can get all dressed up and try to find a place to eat when everyone else is taking their mother out. So, you’ll end up at a crowded place with cold coffee and runny eggs. Don’t buy into the crazy.

If you are lucky enough to have a mother, then call her, send her a card, or make her breakfast if she’s close enough. Thank her on Sunday the 14th (and every day!!) for all that she’s done. And if you haven’t figured this out yet (everyone with teenagers say I!) we do not have children to be appreciated. If they turn out to be good, caring, decent people, then that’s a win. And sometimes we do absolutely everything right and it still doesn’t work out.

To be a good parent is to be a good person. Nobody is perfect. (Tweet it!)

Showing our children life’s reality is sometimes a painful thing. The year my Mother died, I cried for six months. My daughter was eleven and tall for her age. Whenever she saw me tear up she hugged me. And having these moments made it a little easier to be without my mom.

If your children resent you for the divorce now, that won’t last. When they have some real-life experience, they may thank you. Growing up in a tension-filled home without love isn’t doing anyone a favor. That is not the example I wanted my kids to grow up with.

Next Sunday I will toast my own mother. And take myself out for brunch if I want to or not.

Over to you: how will you spend Mother’s Day this year?

On the power of long-term friendships after divorce


Traveling isn’t any fun anymore. The world is a scary place and the security checks and long lines in passport control (although necessary for our safety) are tough on the traveler. Being compressed into a germ-filled, flying tin can for hours on end doesn’t add to the glamour. Especially when not everyone shares the same level of personal hygiene or possesses an inside voice.

It had been some difficult months for me and I was looking forward to some quiet time with one of my dearest friends. We had three days planned. Thanks to a canceled flight with no explanation from the airline, one of those days were spent not going anywhere. I reached my destination 24 hours late.

I was so disappointed. Calling her from baggage claim, upset and teary-eyed, I waited to pick up the luggage I had checked three hours earlier. A night of sleep had been lost and the next night would be no different. She was calm and sweet and very reassuring. Spending time with her has always felt like a salve. She has an amazing telephone voice. I hung up the phone, grabbed my bag, and headed to the taxi stand. Coaching my client’s to deal with stressful situations is one of the most rewarding parts of my work. I help them face challenges head-on, it was time to listen to my own advice.

Getting by with a little help from long-term friendships

As I was riding home early that morning, I thought about our friendship. It began in the spring of 1986 when a mutual friend skipped our introduction brunch. The memories came flooding back.

The thing about life-long friendships is the love and acceptance one receives (Tweet it!)

That sometimes doesn’t happen in our marriages. It shouldn’t be that way, but oftentimes it seems to be.

We have known one another through 30 plus years. We’ve lived on different continents for the last 20 years. We see each other maybe once a year for big life events and very special occasions. We were married and pregnant the same summer with her youngest and my oldest child. Neither of our marriages survived but our friendship has endured for three decades. My kids think of her as an auntie and her kids call me auntie.

I remember when she called me in the middle of the night to tell me her marriage was over. She is one of the most intelligent, charming, and capable women I have ever met. The pain she was feeling was evident in her tone of voice. I listened carefully, holding my infant son over my shoulder. I did everything I could think of to reassure her that her decision was the right one for her and her children. When my own marriage broke up some ten years later, she was the one to insist I get a lawyer.

Learning from the best

My parenting style is modeled after watching her interact with her own children. Yes, they were children of divorce, but they were also children that knew they were cherished and would be very generous, productive members of society. The “cure cancer” kind of world-bettering people. She is a very successful businesswoman, and yet her children are her proudest legacy.

She was waiting at the gate when I finally landed and enveloped me in a hug. We walked arm and arm to the car. Our time together was closer to 36 hours than the three planned days. We hugged a lot and laughed a lot, exchanged small gifts, and caught up on our children & friends. My carry-on was falling apart, and she insisted on giving me one of hers. I will smile every time I use it knowing it was from S. A little good luck charm to help me safely on my travels until she and I meet again.

Be kind to yourself.

Now over to you: how did your divorce affect your long-term friendships?

Spring cleaning after divorce

I was thinking about spring this morning. The sky was a deep blue, cloudless. It was still cold, but some brave flowers were blooming and when I stood directly in the sun, I felt warm. For a minute. Then I hurried across the campus where I teach to grab a hot cup of coffee.

I was also thinking about women. The women around the world who don’t have the same rights that I have enjoyed. I was feeling a little afraid about the future of healthcare and reproductive rights. I made the decision to run in a charity event for breast cancer support at the end of the month and I wrote a check to Planned Parenthood.

Earlier this week, I went to the hospital for a test I’ve been putting off for five years. Won’t go into the details, but it was a horrible experience with a good clean ending. Fear should not keep us from taking care of ourselves. And it so great to check something off my list that doesn’t have to be done again for five years. My clients regularly speak to me about their medical fears. This time, it was me who took their advice to stay calm and positive.

Spring cleaning yourself after divorce

Preventative care. That’s what I’m talking about. It’s why we try to eat right and exercise and quit smoking. We need to start putting “us” on the calendar. There are so many things we put off for no reason other than: who really wants to visit a doctor or dentist if they don’t have to? Spring cleaning after divorce is about learning to focus on yourself more often.

People are not self-cleaning ovens.(Tweet it!)

We can’t just put our temperature on maximum and expect all the baked-on crud of a lifetime of bad habits to burn away. And after divorce, sometimes these things fall down even further on our to-do lists. But early detection saves lives.

As we get older, there are things that need to be monitored more closely. Mammograms should be done every year or two depending on your family history beginning at 40. Teeth cleaning should be done twice a year especially to help identify and prevent gum disease and tooth decay. Blood tests should be once a year. It’s good to have a baseline as high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes are generally cumulative problems that should not be left unchecked.

After a divorce, extra stress may play a role in your health as well. This is NOT the time to take less care of yourself. If your children are young, make an appointment for yourself when you make their annual appointments. It’s a good example for your children to know that once a year, you see the doctor too. Maybe next time they need a check-up it won’t be a struggle to get them to go. And maybe you’ll start to worry and care for yourself the way you worry and care for your loved ones.

My daughter just reminded me that her dentist appointment is Thursday. I guess I better call and make an appointment too!

Now over to you: How will you commit to taking better care of yourself this spring? I’d love to hear!

How to navigate inequity and motherhood after divorce

I’ve been thinking a lot about equity lately, and the inequity of divorce. About how my generation is less well off than my parent’s generation. And about the fact that I live in a rented house and drive a beat up, 8-year-old car. The same car that both my kids learned to drive in (hence the appearance).

I have been generous with my time, resources and love from the moment they were born. But when I’m feeling down, I often wonder if that is enough. When children are grown, there is often a huge shift in motherhood. But motherhood with grown children AND divorce? Sometimes it’s a field full of landmines for my self-esteem.

My ex lives with his girlfriend in a huge house with a garden that she owns and they renovated together. They just bought the kids a nice used car to share. They have taken expensive vacations and regularly go out to the most exclusive restaurants in the city for family events and holidays.

It’s a blessing that my ex’s girlfriend and her kids get along with my kids and I know it’s irrational to feel like I have been replaced. But sometimes it gets to me. I supply tampons and socks and their favorite home-cooked meals. I can tell what mood they’re in and how they’re feeling with one word.

During coaching sessions, I see that many clients are going through the same feeling, often in different scenarios.

52 ways to move towards joy after divorce

Sign-up to receive a printable action plan for embracing your life
and letting go of pain after divorce
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Motherhood is giving your children what they need

We mothers know our children come home when they feel sick or injured. I will always be mommy and I have a very close relationship with both of my children. Someday, I might be able to take them on nice trips. But it doesn’t matter. It’s only my pride. They don’t see that sometimes it hurts a little when they talk about the next big adventure that I will not be a part of.

It’s hard not to feel competitive under these circumstances. It’s not within my means or my parenting philosophy to shower my children with material goods.

So I choose to believe that wherever I am, I am home to my children. (Tweet it!)

And that that is the most important thing I can give them as they begin to test the waters of adulthood.

Now over to you: How do you navigate inequity and motherhood after divorce?









Divorced during the holidays? Grab my free video training!

Last week on the blog, I shared 5 ways to celebrate (and enjoy!) the holidays after divorce. I remember the first holiday season after my own divorce. Every event and interaction was so emotionally charged. It didn’t feel like the holidays without our long-held family traditions. But there are a few strategies I’ve developed over the years that have helped me feel happy and balanced. Even though everything is completely different now.

I shared these strategies because I hope I can help you make this transition a little faster than I did. I wanted to share how inventing new traditions and decorating lifted my spirits during the holidays in the years after my divorce. It was important for me to tell you that it’s a CHOICE to be alone at the holidays. I wanted to stress the importance of doing the emotional heavy lifting prior to the day. And I wanted to share that sometimes, throwing your own party exactly the way you’ve always wanted to is just the best way to go!

Divorced at the Holidays video training

And that’s why I recorded my recent From Hollywood to the Holy Land webinar! I want to gift you this free, hour-long training I held with my fellow divorced besties – Diane Burroughs of Left at 50 and our good friend Elaine who is currently going through her very first holiday season as a divorcee.

In this free training, we chat about strategies for practicing mindful self care, the strategies that keep us happy and centered during the holidays, and how to keep it all in perspective. Want to watch? Simply sign up below and I’ll send the recording straight to your inbox!


Grab your “Divorced at the Holidays” video training!

Join me and my fellow divorced besties as we talk about navigating the holiday season after divorce & how to practice self care when you need it most!
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